Living With Wholeness 3-day Live Event

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You most likely clicked on the link in your email out of curiosity.

Maybe you have experienced Energy Healing before and you desire to learn more!

Maybe this is brand new to you!

Maybe you have tried traditional means to healing in the past and NOW, you feel compelled to look at a more holistic approach that can support what you are already doing.

Whatever your reason, I am grateful you are here.

That tells me you are a seeker.

You desire more. 

More knowledge means you are more empowered to make purposeful decisions about your emotional and physical well-being.

Lisa will be teaching about generational healing, how inherited patterns beliefs, trauma and emotions keep us stuck, as well as tools to help individuals manage their own energy.

Robin will be sharing how Biofeedback helps individuals connect with their body to reduce pain, manage stress, smoking cessation and so much more.

Elise's Intuitive Tarot Coaching is cutting edge; she brings it into the 21st century in a way that allows clients to see life from a new perspective to help them find their true life purpose and move forward.

Crystal will be teaching 'how' and 'why' crystals work for us, how to choose the 'right' crystal as well as sharing several ways crystals can support our bodies and be used in our spaces.

Click on the register button to participate in this valuable event!

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 Lisa Bailey
 $47.00 USD

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