Something you just read intrigued you and you clicked to "Learn More & Register."
We are so glad you are intrigued and have a desire to learn more.
Maybe you really have a desire to understand why the family beliefs you have about money, relationships & emotions have played such a strong role in the life you have created.
Maybe you would like to understand, with more clarity, why you are 'wired' the way you are and how that affects the way you show up in the world.
Maybe you have a desire to really understand what your Soul's Purpose is while you live upon this Earth? It really doesn't matter what age you are when you ponder on this question. Some people, who retire in their late 50's, still wonder what their Soul Purpose is.
Join Lisa Bailey (from Utah) , Kris Prochaska (from Oregon) and Martha Picinich (from Kentucky) as they support you in answering YOUR life questions.
Click on the link to learn more and register for this amazing event!
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